I would like to try to thank you for the time and patience you have extended to me during the mentorship portion of Animal Behavior College.
YOU MADE IT FUN! Your clear and concise answers to the questions posed to you actually work! Your communication skills exemplify yet another incredibly adept talent of yours, and to be sure, that includes the four-leggeds and the two-leggeds!
I found your good energy both engaging and contagious. Your leadership and experience are thoroughly convincing, and I would always recommend you to those challenges that I don't feel equipped to handle. Isn't that what a great mentorship is supposed to render?
It seems to me that you are at the top of your game and i wish you every happiness that comes with making this world of ours a little bit more tolerable one 10 Minute Dog at a time!
Thank you Bruce for your generous and bountiful willingness to share information that will hopefully make me a better trainer. I hope we will always stay in touch.